Nautabú (Cattle Farm)

Þórir “Goat-thigh,” Ingimundur’s son, lived at Nautabú. He took over the chieftainship after his father’s day.


More: Þórir “Goat-thigh,” one of the sons of Ingimundur the Aged, lived at Nautabú (Cattle Farm). He took over the chieftainship after his father’s day. He is described as “a fine man and big, with a talent for commerce.” He is said to have run berserk (been seized with a frenzy) from time to time; but after taking on the care of the child Þorkell krafla he was free of this disorder.

At Nautabúsmóar in the grassfield south of the farmhouse at Kornsá are traces of a building which has been dated to before 1000 AD. The place is listed as a heritage site.

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