Faxabrandsstaðir (Faxi-Brandur’s Place)

Brandur of Faxabrandsstaðir covered a sledge with hides and harnessed his horse Freyfaxi to it, when Þorsteinn and Jökull went to Borg to fight their duels.


More: In their dispute with Finnbogi and Bergur, the sons of Ingimundur called on the help of Brandur at Faxabrandsstaðir. Brandur had a horse with variegated mane, named Freyfaxi. He was a fine animal, and Brandur was believed to attribute special powers to his horse. When the brothers were to set off to Borg, a storm was raging. Brandur covered a sled with hides and harnessed Freyfaxi to pull it. Þorsteinn and Þórir rode on the sledge, while Brandur and I and Jökull walked ahead through the blizzard. At Borg, Finnbogi and Bergur did not turn up, and Þorsteinn and Jökull raised a scorn-pole to highlight their disgrace.


Faxabrandsstaðir is believed to be on the estate of Breiðabólsstaðir. A heritage sign has been erected below Breiðabólsstaðir, and the site of a longhouse is visible a short distance above the farmhouse there. It was listed as a heritage site in 1930.

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