
Hrolleifur lived with his mother Ljót at Ljótunnarkinn. They quarrelled with the sons of Ingimundur the Aged, and Hrolleifur slew Ingimundur.


More: Hrolleifur the Tall was like his mother in character: she had a bad reputation for her temper, and had strange ways. They were driven out of Skagafjörður, and spent two or three winters with Ingimundur before he provided them with a farm at Ás.

Hrolleifur fished in the Vatnsdalsá river, offending the sons of Ingimundur. Ingimundur, now an old man and almost blind, rode out into the river and spoke to Hrolleifur, who threw his spear at him, striking him in the torso. Ingimundur was able to reach his home, where he died.

His sons, out for revenge, found Hrolleifur at home at Ás. Jökull caught him. “Both were equally strong, and they tumbled down the slope, one over the other; and when the brothers arrived Högni said: ‘What monster is this that approaches us? I don’t know what it is.’ Þorsteinn answered: ‘That’s Ljót the crone, who has adorned herself strangely.’ She had pulled her clothing forward over her head and walked backwards with her head bent back between her legs; her eyes had a hideous expression – she could roll them like a troll. Þorsteinn then said to Jökull: ‘Go on, kill Hrolleifur. You have wanted to for a long time.’ Jökull replied: ‘I am quite ready.’ He chopped off his head, and declared that he should never thrive.” When Ljót saw her son killed, she expired in a troll-like fury.


Ljótunnarkinn is a grassy slope at Ás, where traces of buildings are visible. The heritage site at

Ljótunnarkinn was listed in 1930 by the Director of the National Museum. A heritage sign has been erected by the road to the north of the farm of Ás; a footpath leads to the site.

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