Grjótá við Hof í Vatnsdal Hiking trail

View point walk at a historical place

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Norðurland, Húnabyggð
Level of difficulty
Level 1 - Easy route
1 2 3 4
Marked trail with cairns
30 minutes
Mixed surface - e.g. soil, stones, grass
No hazards on the way
Service on the trail
No service
Open all seasons
This is a short and easy hike at the foot of Mt.Vatnsdalsfjall by the farm Hof. The path commences by the information post for Ingimundur gamli, the first settler in the area, The initial 200 m of the path is strawn with woodchips, leading on to a simple uphill trail. At the end of the trail you can sit down and enjoy the view over the valley Vatnsdalur or the ravine of Grjótá creek. If you feel up to it, a hike further up the slopes or even to the mountain top is well worth the effort.